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Welcome to the Rover Instruments Shop

Options & APP


Availability: Out of stock


HW and SW for Wide Band frequency extension from 230 to 2,600 MHz (specify in the order).

If you wish to purchase the APP, write directly to: orders@roverinstruments.com
ALWAYS provide the instrument serial number with the order.
If you would like more information about the APP, write directly to: wecare@roverinstruments.com

HW and SW for Wide Band frequency extension from 230 to 2,600 MHz (specify in the order).

If you wish to purchase the APP, write directly to: orders@roverinstruments.com
ALWAYS provide the instrument serial number with the order.
If you would like more information about the APP, write directly to: wecare@roverinstruments.com


  • Le opzioni APP (solo SW), possono essere installate nello strumento direttamente dall'utilizzatore;
  • Per le opzioni HW+SW acquistate successivamente, è necessario inviare lo strumento ad un Service ufficiale ROVER Instruments, o direttamente alla sede ROVER Instruments Italia;
  • Al costo dell'opzione HW+SW, se acquistata successivamente, si dovranno aggiungere:

- Costo del corriere ROVER ASSICURATO andata e ritorno;
- Costo intervento Euro 100,00 che comprende:

1) L'nstallazione opzione HW (apertura strumento, montaggio scheda);
2) Aggiornamento SW (se disponibile);
3) Aggiornamento piani di memoria (se disponibili);
4) Ri-calibrazione TV e SAT;
5) Primo collaudo completo;
6) Richiusura strumento;
7) Collaudo qualità finale;
8) Aggiornamento dati nel sistema informatico ROVER per la completa tracciabilità delle opzioni installate legate al N. di serie dello strumento.

  • Per maggiori informazioni su "Come caricare una APP SW nel mio strumento" clicca qui e consulta la relativa "F.A.Q."pubblicata sul WEB ROVER.
Instrument model: No
Instrument model: No
Batteries type No
Instrument model: No
Instrument model: No
Instrument type: No
Instrument model: No
Instrument model: No
Instrument model: HD TAB 700, HD TAB 700 Plus, HD TAB 900 Plus

Write Your Own Review

DELIVERY TIME: Delivery as soon as possible (excluding transport and holidays).

INFORMATION: To receive information about the ordered parts, please write to wecare@roverinstruments.com.

NOTE: The spare parts ordered by mistake cannot be returned or replaced.

IMPORTANT: For security reasons, according to IATA directive, from the April 2016 the Forwarding Agent can not transport ION POLIMER BATTERY FULLY CHARGED, so the ROVER provide ALWAYS ION POLIMER BATTERIES partially charged.

--- FIX COSTS ---

1) PACKING and ORDER MANAGEMENT: For the completion of each order, you will be charged on the invoice (in addition to the cost of spare parts) a fixed amount of Euro 12,00*, due for the management and handling of spare parts required;

2) TRANSPORT costs for shipping to International: from Euro 25,00* to Euro 110,00* (depending on different Countries);

3) PAYMENT: Credit Card or PayPal;

*: Net quotation, on EX-WORK basis (* taxes, Duties and Customs NOT INCLUDED).


No problems with payments, you can pay directly by PayPal or Credit Card

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